Vojtěch Cepl

Selected Articles in English

Senate, anyone?

Inspirational power of American Constitucionalism

Bottlenecks in the transformation of Eastern Europe

The transformation of hearts and minds in Eastern Europe

Výběr článků v češtině

Bludný profesor

Co je nejdůležitější

Jaká společnost, taková práva

O právnické fakultě a jejích třech dcerách

Řád je důležitější než vláda většiny

Proč jsem Europeistou

Co považuji za podstatné je vyvážení systému moci

Trh s byty je u nás královstvím křivých zrcadel

Graduated from the Faculty Law, Charles University (CUNI) 1961; advanced studies at sociology at Oxford University (1967-69); research fellowship of comparative law at the University of Michigan (1969-70); assistant lecturer at the Department of Jurisprudence CUNI (1964-70), then at the Dpt. of Civil Law; Candidate of Sciences (1987); listed on secret register as Enemy of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (1971-89); habilitated as “Docent of Civil Law” (1989); appointed “Professor of the Civil Law” CUNI (1993). 1990 appointed Vice-Dean Faculty of Law CUNI, Vice-Chairman of the Legislative Group of the Ministry of Finance Václav Klaus, Head of the Drafting Group of the Civil Code; Member of the Drafting Committee for the Czech Constitution (1992), appointed by President Václav Havel to be a Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Czech republic (1993-2003); then returned to the previous position at Law School CUNI at 2003, Member of the Board of the CEELI Institute (2001-2005), then appointed Member of the International Advisory Board of the CEELI Institute ABA (2005); Ombudsman of the Commercial Bank (2004-);

Awards and Visiting Professorships: Wiegand Distinguished Visitor, the University of San Francisco Law School (1992); Visiting Professor, the University of Chicago (1993); Distinguished Visiting Professor of Democratization, Georgetown University (1995); Visiting Professor, University of Georgia - Athens (1996); Visiting Professor, University of San Francisco (1998); Jurist in Residence, Washington University School of Law (1999); Distinguished Global Fellow, New York University (2001); Herzog Lecturer, John Marshall School of Law, Chicago (2002); Member of the U.S. Government William Eagleton Mission in Iraq (2003); Visiting Professor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2003).

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